Learn from direct experience:
Through guided exercises, you will be given the space to directly feel in your body a shift in consciousness to become more self-aware of your own habitual patterns.
Move from reacting to responding
You will get a hands-on understanding of the wise discernment between unconsciously reacting to life, and mindfully + joyfully responding to it, having the space and freedom to choose a different response.
Hear classic Zen dharma stories
…that illuminate what it means to have a ‘Mind like an Ocean’, learning how to cultivate an inner sense of stillness, fluidity and freedom.
Widen your Window of Tolerance
…to be boundless like an Ocean. Come out with a toolbox of essential skills to navigate and be free from the overthinking inner critic, habitual anxious self-talk, self-sabotaging belief systems, overwhelming emotions and physical pain.
Befriend Your Inner Experience:
Learn how to let go of resistance and rest in the peaceful, spacious awareness of unconditional acceptance of the ups and downs of life.
How to nurture yourself
…with lovingkindness, non-attachment + peaceful embodiment to discharge and regulate your nervous system for deeper rest and healing.
Attend to your own unmet needs:
Showing up for yourself in a way that allows you to feel seen, heard + held by your own love and care.
Get used to coming home to your True Self as pure consciousness:
A free, peaceful, go-with-the-flow, joyful + whole being. Living freely and fully from the heart by non-striving, releasing doing and effortlessly being. Learn integration and application of mindful living in your daily life.