solflower tea ceremony
Energy Healing Rituals | Channeled Meditation | Flower Essences | Plant Spirit Attunement | Sound Healing
jan 28
Ananda Yoga Belgrave
Merkaba Studio, Cheltenham
may 18
Mindful AF, Emerald
july 20
Tree of Life Integral, Kew
oct 3
Tree of Life Integral, Kew
dec 5
Venue + Date TBC
[DM @solflowerseeds to be on waitlist]
master plant ‘tea’chers
Experience tea ceremony, where we sit with any single or combination of these vibrationally healing Tea Medicines + Plant Spirit Guides:
MUGWORT | Grandmother Crone
Artemisia vulgare
Grandmother of the Herbs, Mugwort plays a central role in every witch’s apothecary.
Used ceremonially for divination, spirit channeling, plant wisdom communication, lucid dreaming, psychic protection, higher guidance, womb healing and shadow work.
Traditional Chinese Medicine uses Mugwort to move qi stagnation or clear energetic blocks, aid digestion, relieve muscle cramps + PMS symptoms, and heal irregular menstual flow.
ROSE | Mother
Rosa centifolia
Queen of the flowers, Rose holds the highest frequency of them all at 320MHz.
Heart opener and activator, this medicinal herb has been used in ceremony for its soft, nurturing therapeutic properties of compassion, connection to Mother deities, and the vibration of Unconditional Love.
Rose raises our frequency by shifting pain and fear to devotional lovingkindness, sweet surrender + universal trust.
BLUE LILY | High Priestess
Nymphaea caerulea a.k.a. Blue Lotus
Whole flowers lovingly harvested from the wild, freshwater lakes of Egypt.
Blue Lily a.k.a. Blue Lotus is an Ancient Egyptian medicinal herb used inceremony for its visionary, third eye opening, lucid dreaming, nervous system soothing healing properties and affinity with the element of water.
You are a Sensitive Sol…
• Wanting space held for you to ground back into your heart centre, receive healing and deepen your spiritual practice
• Seeking guidance to work with vibrational tools (which may include: tea medicine, flower essences, oil rituals, plant spirit channeling, energy attunements, spirit guide work) to help you find your way back to your meditation seat
• Wanting to explore multi-faceted Energy Healing Meditation practices with greater depth
Meditation is the gateway to the Sol + at the core of all Energy Healing
Find your way back to your Meditation Practice with the support of vibrational, herbal + floral tools in sacred Tea Ceremony
What will I experience?
This is a Meditation Tea Ceremony done differently. Each ceremony is uniquely live co-created as Jasmine attunes to the energies present in the room at the time of ceremony. This facilitates a never-to-be repeated experience that is custom tailored to every single sol in the room.
Jasmine is a spirit channel who works to meet you exactly where you are in your wholeness - human and divine. She feels into what space you require to feel held, receive what you need and reconnect to the vibrational healing of the beyond.
Energetics + Wisdom
We will open the space discussing the carefully selected wisdom theme, teas and flower essences psychically chosen according to the group’s unique energy needs of the day.
Jasmine will briefly share about the energetic signatures of the Master Plant Teachers and Flower Spirit Guides which will be worked with during our session, and how they teach us ways to transform our own energy blocks by deepening our foundational meditation practice.
Flower Essence Tea Ceremony
Witness Flower Essences being infused into the tea medicine with herbal energetic rituals in ceremony.
You will be served tea and experience an energy attunement meditation inviting you to personally connect with the plant medicines, call in your guides, deepen spirit communication and set your own intentions for your healing session.
Each of these tools and rituals all lead us back to be able to sit and reconnect to our inner stillness in Meditation - Meditation being the gateway into the sol.
Live Channeled Meditation, Sound + Energy Healing
Be led into an Energy Healing Meditation Practice live channeled by Jasmine who blends multiple different meditation traditions and modalities into her guidance to give you the tools to empower your own spiritual practice.
Channeled messages may come through Jasmine from our collective Spirit Guides, including Ascended Masters, Plant Spirits, Elemental Spirits, Angels + Archangels, Galactic Star Families, your ancestors, past lives, inner child and Higher Self, to name a few.
Crystal Singing Bowls, Shamanic Medicine Drums, Koshi Wind Chimes, Vibrational mists and herbal incense + smokes may be also used during the journey.

Which spiritual tools will we be working with?
MEDITATION | Our Energy Healing Practice
• Zen Buddhist Vipassana (awareness-based energy principles of healing)
• Compassion + Metta (emotional regulation, self-love + shadow integration)
• Somatic inner child healing (resourcing + integration)
• Chakra clearing + rebalancing
• Entering deep meditative trance/Spirit Realm/Akashic Records
• Meeting spirit guides and receiving light code activations and DNA upgrades
• Mother Earth’s energy grid
• Working with spirit guides (incl. plant spirits) to receive their wisdoms + energy attunements
TEA | Our Master Plant Teachers
• Rose
• Mugwort
• Blue Lily (Egyptian Blue Lotus)
These work to amplify and hold space for the meditation practices, energy healing and flower essences.
FLOWER ESSENCES | Our Flower Spirit Guides
Vibrational Herbal Extracts of Australian Bush Flowers which have an affinity to healing emotional and energetic imbalances.
These work to highlight a specific energetic theme we are learning to master and awaken to.
Absolutely blissful.
“I’ve released so much from my tired human body. Many dense energies have been shifted and I could create space for more peacefulness and presence in my experience as a spiritual being.”
Cacao Ceremonialist, Space Holder, Reiki, Sound and Energy Healer
I felt safe and unconditionally held.
“I sat with Jasmine for a tea ceremony, and I felt safe and unconditionally held, and the container that she brings is filled with wisdom and compassion from her own inner journey. I am deeply grateful to her for holding space for me.”
Trauma-informed intuitive energy healer, sound healer & meditation guide.
A time to just be and rest.
“I’ve cleared my mind from many thoughts and worries. I could finally receive and feel calm and tranquil. I’ve appreciated the silent moments and the slowing down of time, meanwhile Jasmine was pouring tea.”
It went so much deeper than I expected.
“With just tea herbs and energy practices, I connected with new spirit guides and saw past lives.”
Important Information
Mugwort is not suitable for pregnant women or those trying to conceive. Blue Lily is not recommended for those pregnant, breastfeeding or on diabetic medication.
Please consult your doctor before booking ahead about any allergies to the teas and flower essences or contraindications you may have with your medications or medical history.
It is recommended allow a 1-2hr window after eating to attend ceremony. Tea medicine and energy work is best done and most comfortable when the body is not digesting food.
Weaver of Flower Medicine + Zen Tea…
The Art of Zen Meditation
Jasmine began her meditation journey in a Buddhist monastery as a student of Zen Vipassana and Dharma. She eventually sought to master the art of teaching in a 2-year teacher certification with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield.
Zen + Tea as a Way of Life
Jasmine first sat with tea medicine whilst seeking a way to share how these Zen wisdom eastern traditions are meant to be lived as a way of life, not just a formal meditation sitting. Serving tea allowed Jasmine to hold space for her students to witness how daily mindful living practices can reveal to us what is sacred in the every day.
The Interconnected Spirit of Tea
Tea connects us to the underlying spirit in all things, bridging our meditation practice to our spirit guides, their vibrational energy healing and the water, herbs + flowers of our Mother Earth. Tea grants us access into a deeper meditative state to become our own energy healer and get in touch with the Buddha nature within - an inner sanctuary of pure loving awareness.
Matching you to your Flower Guides
Upon deep studies in the subtle energy fields of vibration, consciousness and life experience with high sensitivity, Jasmine developed a distinct resonance with flower essences able to hear, communicate with and translate the gentle subtlety of the plant spirits. After her namesake, she began to hear the call from the flowers to act as a bridge connecting people to their flower guides. She offers their vibrational medicine as tools to enhance your meditation practice and spiritual growth.