Private Healing
Personalised vibrational healing blending herbal energetics, plant spirit medicine, Zen mind-body awareness and shamanic ceremony.
High sensitivity, relational enmeshment
Emotional healing, overwhelm and depletion
Absorbing other’s imbalances, poor boundaries and sense of self
Empathic/high achiever's/carer's/healer's burnout
Anxiety and nervous system dysregulation
Mind-body-heart dissonance
Unworthiness, self-criticism and self-doubt
Inner child and Mother wounds, feeling unsafe or unloved
Ancestral or family trauma and past limiting conditioning
Spiritual disconnection
Soul purpose and spiritual gifts recall
Vibrational Plant Medicine Consultation
Have your energy blocks read and matched to custom vibrational plant medicine + receive an energy healing, with Flower Whisperer, Jasmine
Energy reading + matching to flower medicine
Have a custom vibrational flower essence made for you
Receive a plant spirit guide energetic attunement
Energy clearing + realignment
INITIAL | 90min - $155
FOLLOW-UP | 60min - $122
Plant Medicine Ceremony
Receive personalised, in-depth vibrational healing with herbal medicine, plant spirit energetics, sound and energy healing in sacred medicine ceremony.
You may book one session at a time or undergo the Initiation Mentorship program.
Plant spirit medicine initiations with Blue Lotus, Rose or Mugwort.
Receive a healing session combining:
Energy healing
Vibrational plant medicine
Sound therapy
Guided meditation energetic attunements
1 Session - $250
Plant Medicine + Wisdom Initiation
Mentorship Program
Jasmine will work with you to awaken how the spirit of Mugwort, Rose and/or Blue Lotus want to work through you.
You will undergo multiple initiations into their energetic attunements and plant spirit wisdom for your own self-healing and inner transformation.
4 Session - Plant Wisdom Initiation Mentorship
Select ONE Plant Teacher: Blue Lotus, Rose or Mugwort
4× 3hr Plant Medicine Ceremonies
4x 30min Integration Support Calls
8 Session - Plant Wisdom Initiation Mentorship
Select up to TWO Plant Teachers
8× 3hr Plant Medicine Ceremonies
8x 30min Integration Support Calls
Please note mentorship is only available via invitation from the facilitator. Book a free 30min Alignment Call to undergo an alignment process here.
4 Session Mentorship - $850 $212.50/session. Valued $1400. Expires 4 months.
8 Session Mentorship - $1500 $187.50/session. Valued $2800. Expires 8 months.
Private Groups
Retreat • Birthday • Bridal • Baby Shower • Events
Hire a ceremony or ceremonial workshop for your next event.
Choose from:
Plant Medicine Ceremony
Blue Lotus, Rose and/or Mugwort ceremony with meditation energetics, sound + energy healing
Add ons:
You may request a custom Flower Essence to be made up for each guest with your group's energetic theme/healing intention (+$30/person)
Herbal medicine gift bags for each guest (Cost varies. Discounted rate from our Apothecary range.)
Flower Essence Making Workshop
14 x stock Flower Essences to each craft your custom vibrational medicine. Selected according to your requested healing theme.
Please inquire for pricing.
Reclaiming wholeness with
Personalised plant medicine consultations and ceremonies are carefully crafted according to your energy blocks. They utilise integrative energetic attunements to connect you back to your highest self.
These tools and practices bring us back into sacred communion with Mother Earth and Great Spirit. They return us home to presence to witness the sacred expressing itself in the everyday.
What you've said.
I found Jasmine to be an exceptional healer and wise woman. I came away knowing that my healing had well and truly commenced, as I'd been challenged with certain issues I couldn't heal on my own. If you're looking for a healer that works with professionalism, integrity and care, then look no further than Solflower Seeds.
Christine P.
Flower Energetics Ceremonialist
Vibrational Plant Medicine Woman
Zen Meditation Teacher
Flower Whisperer
Spirit Channel
Flower Energetics Ceremonialist Vibrational Plant Medicine Woman Zen Meditation Teacher Flower Whisperer Spirit Channel
Jasmine of Solflower Seeds is an empathic energetics practitioner, sensitive soul mentor and flower spirit medium (a.k.a. 'Flower Whisperer'). She works with gentle and restorative vibrational herbal medicine and energy healing to rebalance your subtle energy bodies.
Jasmine vibrationally attunes to your energetic field and her psychic relationship to the plant + spirit world to 'connect the dots' between you now and your higher self that’s wishing to emerge - some might call this a 'flowering of the soul.'
She adores playing ‘matchmaker’ to connect humans to their plant spirit guides, in particular, flower essences and their devas. It is no wonder her parent’s named her Jasmine!
Sessions aim to empower your healing and transformation for spiritual awakening, emotional resilience and heart-centred wholeness. It's Jasmine's mission to spread the message that 'Sensitivity is Divinity' as she empowers empaths with tools for emotional regulation, energetic protection and freedom from overwhelm to realise the power of their sensitivity - the innate energy healer within. Unlocking your natural gifts in sensing the unseen to become a wayshower, psychic, wisdom keeper, medicine healer, mystic and energy worker.
Our healing methods blend somatic resourcing, processing and integration, mindfulness and compassion meditation, Zen philosophy, shamanic plant medicine ceremony, herbal energetics and vibrational sound therapy.
Sessions may include repressed emotional processing, inner child healing, parts work, shadow integration, spirit guide connection, ancestral wound healing, past life journeying and somatic release.
Mahayana Zen Buddhism
Jasmine dropped out of her physiology major at University of Melbourne to begin her journey studying Zen Vipassana and Dharma under Taiwanese nuns at a Buddhist Monastery.
Years later, she trained with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach in a 2-year Mindfulness Meditation Teaching Certification Program, for trauma-informed meditation and somatic awareness. Soon after, she began teaching her students in meditation courses.
Earth + Plant Spirit Wisdom
Jasmine studied shamanic ceremonial space holding, energy healing, flower essence therapy, plant medicine healing and plant spirit divination with many teachers to integrate what she 'knew' into her earthly, embodied experience. This helped her ground and protect her energy as a Sensitive to avoid overwhelm and burnout.
After years of plant medicine initiation, reverence and reciprocity, she received invitation from her 3 Master Plant Teachers: Blue Lotus, Rose + Mugwort to begin facilitating ceremonies.
Present -
Jasmine continues her studies as a Integral Energetics (based off Chiropractic Network Spinal Analysis) and Cha Dao (Chinese Tea Ceremony) student.

Olinda, VIC
Amongst the ancient treetops of the Dandenong Ranges
Private Clinic Hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10-6pm
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10-6pm
Friday 10-6pm
Saturday 10-6pm
Sunday 10-6pm