Meet the Founder


Jasmine Lee

mama of solflower seeds

Embodied Meditation Facilitator
| Group + 1:1 Intuitive Energy Healing Space Holder

• Zen Buddhism Dharma, Vipassana + Compassion Meditation Teacher •

• Channeled Activation + Integration Meditation Events •

• 1:1 Flower Essence Matching + Attunement Tea Ceremony •

• Reclaiming Wholeness, Sensitive Sol + Inner Child Healing •

• Heart Consciousness Wisdom Keeper •

Jasmine has spent the last 9 years in loving service to the awakening of pure consciousness upon the earth.




“Every time I sit and drop into my heart the question, ‘What is my intention for today’s practice?’, the answer that always comes back to me is, ‘Love’.

Jasmine’s sol’s deepest intention is to act as a direct conduit for Divine Unconditional Love. Her heart wisdom teachings bridge the seen and unseen realms through vibrational translation of higher levels of unity consciousness. Through poetic articulation she makes the Universal Laws of Energy, metaphysics, Zen philosophy and karmic life lessons easily understandable and relatable. Her guided meditations are direct channels beckoning you to return to your higher self and shed what is blocking you from fully embodying them.

”Out beyond ideas of
wrong-doing and right-doing,
there is a field.

I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’
doesn’t make any sense.” - Rumi

Through her embodiment of living the Way of Zen + Tao, she holds space, energetically transmitting you to meet her in the field of Oneness, the boundless heart space of our True Nature, calling you to return to your natural state of inner guidance, wholeness, inner peace + profound interconnection.



Jasmine weaves her personal life experience as a Sensitive Sol with her studies and passion in

  • Zen Buddhist Dharma and Vipassana

  • Compassion integration meditation + Somatic energetics therapy (body-awareness energy healing)

  • Inner Child Healing: Inner relational fields and ‘parts’ and shadow integration

  • Chakra energy clearing, balancing + upgrading

  • Flower Essence therapy

  • Sound healing + vibrational plant medicines


She continues her dharma studies of 8 years alongside Mahayana Zen Buddhist Monastery and her 2-year long meditation teacher certification at Tara Brach + Jack Kornfield’s MMTCP Awareness Training Institute and the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley.

Flower Wisdom

Jasmine, after her namesake, has a distinct resonance with flowers and their vibrational essence wisdom medicines. She channels messages from plant spirits and infuses their energetic signatures during her meditation immersion tea ceremonies. She connects individuals with the earth guidance and alchemical space holding these plant spirits wish to impart to us on their earth walk alongside our spiritual journeys.


 Reclaiming Wholeness

Jasmine works as a space holder calling you to remember how to hold unconditional loving space for all layers of your being, welcoming all lost, messy, hurt parts of you back home to your heart.

Through her connection with Kwan Yin and Christ Consciousness, she guides you to unlock the sacred processes of compassionate shadow reclamation and integration.

Her embodied wisdom transmissions are informed and infused with Metta + Equanimity granting you the heart resources of safety and deep nurturing to face your inner wounding patterns, to transform them and love them back into wholeness.

Somatic Heart-Based Integration Meditation Therapy

Jasmine believes in holding ‘safe space’ to feel all of your emotions through the lens of Unconditional Love, meeting each challenging or blissful feeling with equanimity or non-discrimination.

When we can embrace each passing feeling with radical acceptance, neither avoiding nor clinging, neither rejecting nor fixing, we can widen our window of tolerance to exist as the non-attached observer and find internal peace wherever we go. And we can see our capacity to honour our hidden pain or our inner child’s needs and fears, is as infinite as our compassionate hearts.

Free yourself from fear and pain by embodying unconditional kindness and the clear-seeing that you are not your pain, you are the loving awareness behind it.


Compassionate Shadow Integration

Having Tea with our Shadows

One day, Buddha’s devoted assistant and disciple Ananda, came into Buddha’s room with some stressful news, “Mara is here to see you. What should I tell him?”

Mara is the God of Shadow, he represents our greed, anger and ignorance.

Buddha replied, “Oh my dear friend, Mara. Invite him in for tea.”

Befriending our Ego + Inner Child Healing

For too long transformational healing and shadow integration has been about forcing, striving, improving and fixing. But what if we chose to compassionately soften into our edges of discomfort, instead of pushing ourselves to face our fears?

  • Is there a way we can face our triggers and woundings with a sense of kindness, patience and deep listening?

  • Can we ‘re-parent’ the old, dysfunctional patterns by seeing our own vulnerable, scared inner child? Can we show up to listen rather than to fix?

  • Is there a way to befriend our ego and our shadows and ‘have tea with them’ like the Buddha did? Can we perhaps get to know them and become familiar with their worries and delusions, rather than fight them and cause internal conflict?

  • Can we offer those parts of us compassion and radical acceptance, neutralising their hold over us in order to set them and us free?

  • Can we hold the vibration of equanimous, peaceful attention, non-attached and undisturbed by mental + emotional reactivity and bring those unregulated fragments of ourselves back into our own natural state of harmony and balance?

  • Can we trust and surrender into our innate wholeness and let the high vibration of that energy cause what no longer resonates to shed on its own?

“Deep listening is the kind of listening that can help relieve the suffering of another person. You can call it compassionate listening. You listen with only one purpose: to help him or her to empty his heart.” - Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Master

  • Can we ask our hurt places, ‘how can I be with you, what do you need, can I accept you as you are?’

  • Can we listen with fullness in a way to empty out our own hearts?

  • Can I realise I am not this transient, painful feeling, but the loving awareness that can tend to it with the tender eyes of kindness and compassion?


Heart Healing

Zen Heart Wisdom

Jasmine’s dharma transmissions are informed and infused with the 4 Seeds of Love: the immeasurable heart resources of the Zen Buddhism Brahmaviharas - Metta, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity.

Cultivation of these heart resources expand our windows of tolerance to feel empowered in our own internal sense of safety and grounding, to enable us the fortitude and courage to do the ‘work’.

Trauma-sensitive healing requires a large enough container of safety to gently and slowly drip-feed what is difficult to face, in order to avoid overwhelm and re-traumatisation. When we are working to uncover, metabolise and release old pain and unprocessed raw emotion, nuanced sensitivity is foundational.

This is how we transcend old karmic patterns and choose a different way to respond to life, walking ourselves into a new reality. 

Transcending Duality + Reclaiming Wholeness

(Broken earth picture)

This is how we bridge inner conflicts and mend dualities, with love.

Love unifies all.

We allow the alchemy of loving awareness to soften broken pieces of earth and make them malleable clay again to be rewoven back into the Whole. The process of healing is how we gain the insight and wisdom to understand the suffering of the delusions of separation and how to return back the the Universal Truth of Oneness.

This is how we go from Mud to Lotus.

We have to go into our hurt places, our self-sabotaging beliefs, our feelings of unworthiness, lack, anger, terror, overwhelm, sadness, pain, grief, greed, pride and shame and love them back into wholeness.

Light-work IS shadow-work.

You can’t have one without the other.

(Yin and Yang or lighting up the dark place picture)

“You are not meant to avoid the darkness. You are meant to go into it, feed it love, illuminate it and transform it into light. Only your love has the power to heal the darkness within you.” - Alyonna Angelica

This human life is about learning how to grow on a sol level and gain wisdom through life’s lessons. Each challenge is serving you divinely and completely. Each difficulty a chosen path to discover how to transmute and transcend and collect wisdom.


Space Holding

A Medicine Woman’s Prayer

I will not rescue you.
For you are not powerless.

I will not fix you.
For you are not broken.

I will not heal you.
For I see you, in your wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness
as you remember your light.

The Gardener + the Solflower

“The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh

Jasmine serves to ‘see’ you in your inherent goodness and divinity.

To see clearly, is to Love, is to heal, is to awaken.

You are the healer.

Like a gardener admires her flowers, a space holder works to witness you coming into your own. She is a mirror reflecting back to you your light. Walking beside you to show you your own blossoming of self-awakening and actualisation.

She honours your inner wisdom, points to you your natural beauty and nurtures you to trust in it, as it derives from the same innate intelligence that makes the entire universe spin around. She simply sits back and provides you the ‘space’ to flower in your own time and way. To remember who you really are, divine consciousness in a human experience, and your higher purpose.

Your sol came here for a reason. Reclaim your unique sol’s power and let every breath be your dharma.

The Art of Non-Doing

Nothing is done, so nothing is left undone.

Spring comes and grass grows itself.

- Tao Te Ching


The Zen Lotus

The story of Mahākāśyapa, and the Flower Sermon, is one of sudden enlightenment through Buddha’s direct transmission of wisdom.

The Buddha is asked, ‘What is enlightenment?,’ to which his response is holding up a single lotus to the eager crowd.

At an instant, his disciple Mahākāśyapa, understands all - that the mystery of life itself is held within this single one act. He sees that Ultimate Truth is one beyond the mind, yet is as simple as the symbol of the lotus of awakening.

This story depicts the simplicity and profoundness of Zen philosophy. That the flowering of consciousness is our most natural state of being yet it is also unspeakable, a paradox that transcends any one concept but is the universal essence that underlies all things. A silent truth that must be experienced directly yourself. An awakened state latent within every single being. This is what it means to awaken the inner Buddha within.

Let us sit in stillness together, to cultivate the seeds of pure presence. In our humble efforts to remember and awaken we shall reverberate back to each other this ancient, primordial knowing. This eternal well of inner peace with all things, being as they should be.

I’m not a Hindu, I’m an Undo

Swami Satchidananda, yogic guru, was asked by his disciples, ‘Do I have to be a Hindu to practice?’

His response, “I’m not a Hindu, I’m an Undo.”

Life is about releasing the ego and our attachments to identifications. Surrendering the ego’s need to ‘know’ and finding the silent truth in the ‘un-knowing.’

Life is less about' ‘doing’ and more about ‘undoing, unlearning, de-conditioning’ to come back into the flow state.

Wu-Wei + The Art of Non-Doing


The Childlike Innocence of the Beginner’s Mind

Healing is about releasing the mental attachments and the erroneous, distorted views of self and reality to actually be fully present with the joy, love and peace that is always here. That true connection and happiness lies in the intimacy of experiencing life through the unfiltered innocence of the beginner’s mind, the one of childlike wonderment and awe.

Freedom from the pains of the past that cause us to live from fear rather than freedom of spirit and openness of heart. Freedom from the ancestral trauma held in our cellular memory that keep us in the chains of victimhood and self-preservation, preventing us to take up space and shine our brightest.

In our childlike purity, the mind can see, the beauty and truth of reality. Grateful are we, to simply be alive.



Offerings + Community

Facilitating casual meditation classes, meditation immersion workshops + co-facilitating with cacao ceremonialist Elementals Love Aloha for meditation and sound and energy healing, sols are invited to share space in holy ritual, witnessing the light of each other’s true divinity unfold.

Together we hold compassionate space serving the awakening of humanity and allow all beings to be seen, heard and held in the nurturing, loving community of kindred sols.

Together we walk each other home.



Homecoming to the Heart

There was nothing ever wrong with you,
dear child.

There is nothing to fix,
nowhere to be,
nothing to do.

When you become still enough to see,
Your distortions of self and reality with cease,
And you will be shown the Truth.

When you come to rest in the heart of consciousness
you are always home.